Film Screening

Daniel Bird:
In this World - Sayat Nova Outtakes

An overview of a project to digitise, catalogue and exhibit the outtakes and camera tests from the shooting of Sergei Parajanov's The Colour of Pomegranates.


Daniel Bird directed The Hamo Bek-Nazarov Project, a film preservation and restoration programme focussed on the South Caucasus, Central Asia and Ukraine. He devised Temple of Cinema #1: Sayat Nova Outtakes, which opened Art Directions at the International Film Festival Rotterdam in 2019. He produced Parajanov Triptych, a programme of restored short films that have been acquired by Centre Pompidou and MoMA. He has worked with the World Cinema Project, part of the Film Foundation, on restorations of Parajanov's The Colour of Pomegranates, Shadows of Forgotten Ancestors and most recently Ardak Amirkulov's The Fall of Otrar. Together with Olena Honcharuk, he recently curated Ukrainian Rhapsody, a retrospective of Parajanov's films in Ukraine at Il Cinema Ritrovato.  

With thanks to Armenian Cinema Foundation and Fixafilm. 

15 ottobre 2024, ore 17:30

This will be a hybrid event. Please register here for online participation. Please note that this link is valid for the full duration of the conference Spiritual Landscapes and Photography: An Exploration from the Caucasus to the Mediterranean.

Palazzo Grifoni Budini Gattai
Via dei Servi 51
50122 Firenze, Italia



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