Presentazione del progetto

Dimensions of techne in the Fine Arts – Manifestations / Systems / Narratives

The research group Dimensionen der techne in den Künsten Erscheinungsweisen / Ordnungen / Narrative investigates the work of artistic production and the factors which enable it.  By employing the Greek techne as a heuristic tool, the project aims to widen the scope of investigation through which artistic processes are analysed. The term techne not only merges the realm of the artistic with that of technique – concepts which are usually kept separate in both German and English – but also encompasses the variety of skills and procedures connected to the making of art: the knowledge of materials and techniques that are made manifest in the artefacts themselves and passed on in texts and illustrations; the art theory through which standards for the evaluation of technical abilities are formulated; and the narratives, that imbue artistic practice with meaning.

In six short talks, the group will present three thematic approaches that connect the different subject areas, actors and locations of the project: Erscheinungsweisen / Modes of Appearance (Magdalena Bushart and Henrike Haug), Ordnungen / Systems (Giulia Simonini and Friedrich Steinle) and Narrative / Narratives (Christina Lechtermann and Wolf-Dietrich Löhr).

The goal of the joint project is thus to reclaim the materiality of these objects, already in danger of being dissolved into digital surfaces, as a reservoir of practices and knowledge for art historical research.

The lectures will be held in English. 

Further information can be found on the research group's website.  

21 ottobre 2021, ore 16:00


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