Mitteilungen des Kunsthistorischen Institutes in Florenz
XXI (1977), Heft 1
Norman E. Muller
Ambrogio Lorenzetti's Annunciation. A Re-Examination (pp. 1–12)
George Goldner
The Decoration of the Main Façade Window of San Marco in Venice (pp. 13–34)
Bodo Guthmüller
Ovidübersetzungen und mythologische Malerei. Bemerkungen zur Sala dei Giganti Giulio Romanos (pp. 35–68)
Charles Davis
The Tomb of Mario Nari for the SS. Annunziata in Florence (pp. 69–94)
Diana E. Cole
Fra Angelico – A New Document (pp. 95–100)
Avraham Ronen
The Chariot of the Sun – Variations on a Theme by Giulio Romano (pp. 100–106)
Catherine Monbeig Goguel
Note sur Confortini (pp. 107–110)