Dr. Stephanie Azzarello

Associate Scholar

E-Mail: sa727@cam.ac.uk

Stephanie Azzarello received her PhD in History of Art from the University of Cambridge (2021). In her dissertation ‘Reassembling the Sacred: The Murano Master and the Illuminated Choir Books of the Camaldolese House of San Mattia di Murano,’ she reconstructed a series of now-dismembered Venetian choir books made in the early Quattrocento. She is currently in the process of converting her thesis into a book manuscript, which will also have a digital component: a virtual reconstruction of the manuscripts. During her doctoral research, she was a research assistant at the Victoria and Albert Museum in London, and at the Cambridge University Library in the Manuscripts & Rare Books Department. Stephanie has published several articles on the illuminated initials from her dissertation corpus and recently co-authored an article with Prof. Bryan Keene on the Murano Master and the need to rethink early fifteenth-century Venetian illumination networks. She has also published on the role (and importance) of the Digital Humanities in the work of reconstructionist art history.

  • Illuminated Manuscripts
  • Venetian Art History
  • Quattrocento Venice
  • Camaldolese Liturgy & Spirituality
  • Digital Humanities
  • Economics of Art
  • Technical Art History (the science of illumination practices)


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