Workshop with the Center for Critical Studies in Architecture (CCSA)
Organized by the Lise Meitner Group "Coded Objects"
Program of the architectural theory congress, TU Berlin, 1967. © Deutsches Architekturmuseum
The workshop engages with the architectural theory congress held at the Technical University of Berlin in 1967, which is regarded as a pivotal moment in the formation of architectural theory within the German university context. On the occasion of the centenary of Oswald Mathias Ungers in 2026, the congress will be subjected to a critical re-reading. Ungers invited to the congress because the first chair for architectural theory at the TU Berlin was about to be announced.
The workshop is being held in collaboration with the Center for Critical Studies in Architecture (CCSA) and, in particular, the Deutsches Architekturmuseum (DAM), which is closely associated with the architect Ungers. With the DAM (inaugurated in 1984), Ungers constructed a building that may be considered a manifesto in itself, reflecting his own architectural and theoretical reflections on the "thematization of architecture" and morphological design.
This is an internal event, organized by the Lise Meitner Group “Coded Objects”.
Center for Critical Studies in Architecture
20 – 21 September 2024
This event will be documented photographically and/or recorded on video. Please let us know if you do not agree with the Kunsthistorisches Institut in Florenz using images in which you might be recognizable for event documentation and public relation purposes (e.g. social media).