Saida Bondini, Ph.D.

SNSF Post-Doc Mobility Grant Fellow

Saida Bondini is a postdoctoral fellow at the Kunsthistorisches Institut in Florenz and the Italian Academy, Columbia University. In 2021, she received her PhD from the Courtauld Institute of Art and the University of Lausanne, Switzerland. Her dissertation, Urban and Social Spaces. Art, Architecture, and Family Patronage in Bologna (c. 1470-1520), examines the interplay between artistic production, social relationships, and the urban fabric of Bologna in the late fifteenth and early sixteenth centuries.

Saida has been the recipient of fellowships and internships from international institutions, including the Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York (2014); the Musée de l’Elysée, Lausanne (2015); and the J. Paul Getty Museum, Los Angeles (2020-2021). During her doctoral studies, she held the position of Teaching Assistant in the Renaissance Department and Associate Lecturer in Early Modern Art at the Courtauld Institute. Concurrently, she co-organised numerous conferences and workshops, on topics ranging from material culture and artistic mobility (London 2018), to Early Modern art theory (Lausanne 2019).

Her current postdoctoral research, funded by the Swiss National Science Foundation, investigates the interdependence of natural disasters and art making in the sixteenth century with an emphasis on the Italian territory.

  • 15th-16th century art and architecture in Italy
  • Bologna
  • Architecture and architectural practices
  • Urban history
  • Cultural heritage and natural disasters 

>From Destruction to Construction. Rebuilding and Rethinking Destroyed Cities in the Aftermath of Catastrophes (c. 1500-1600)


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