
Representations, Knowledge and Identities (500 - 1600 a.d.)

Convivencia is traditionally the term for designing the cooperative and conflictual coexistence of Jewish, Muslim and Christian communities in the medieval Iberian Peninsula. The conference will study this phenomenon with regard to the interacting dimensions of representations, knowledge and identities.

The aim of the conference is to address a formative period of Europe with its cultural and religious heterogeneity from a multidisciplinary perspective. The encounters and exchanges between Jewish, Christian and Islamic communities and elites constitute a historical laboratory of great significance for understanding interaction and transformation processes of cultures in the millennium between the decline of the Roman Empire and the beginning of the early modern period. The conference marks the launching of the CSIC-MPG joint research initiative "Convivencia".

Principal questions of the conference includes:

- the appropriation of past forms of art and science in new contexts

- Representation of contact and conflict in texts and images

- Transmission and transformation of institutional and legal models

- Spaces of Convivencia (learnig places, sacred and profane spaces, etc.)

More information:

Centro de Ciencias Humanas y Sociales, CSIC
Albasanz, 26-28
28037 Madrid
Conference Secretary  
Telefon:+34 91 602 26-67

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