Book of Gold: The Kanchana Chitra Ramayana of Banaras

edited by Kavita Singh and Parul Singh

The exhibition Book of Gold: The Kanchana Chitra Ramayana of Banaras (Museum of Art & Photography, Bangalore, India, Sep 16, 2023 - Mar 8, 2024) is accompanied by a publication which is edited and co-authored by Kavita Singh and Parul Singh and includes essays from scholars of art and architecture, literature and performance studies. The exhibition brought together more than 75 folios of the Chitra Ramayana, a previously unknown but ambitious illustrated manuscript made for the Royal Court of Banaras between 1796 and 1814, and the publication provides a valuable context to the understanding of these precious folios.

Parul Singh is a Postdoctoral Fellow (May 2021–May 2024) at the international Research and Fellowship Program 4A Laboratory: Art Histories, Archaeologies, Anthropologies, Aesthetics (Kunsthistorisches Institut in Florenz – Max-Planck-Institut and Stiftung Preußischer Kulturbesitz).

Language: English
Hard Cover: 415 pages
ISBN-13: 978-81-95757633
Dimensions: L-32 cm, H-4.5cm, W-24.5cm



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