Dr. Rebecca Bowen

Studiosa associata

Rebecca received her PhD from the University of Oxford. Her doctoral thesis, ‘Figures of Love: Amor from Antiquity to the Italian Middle Ages’, won the Society for Italian Studies Postgraduate Prize and is the basis of her first monograph. She is a postdoctoral research associate on the AHRC project ‘Envisioning Dante’, organised by the Universities of Oxford and Manchester. Since 2021 she has been a scholar at the Kunsthistoriches Institut in Florenz–Max-Plank-Institut, where she coordinates ‘Dante Depicted: A Commentary on Image, Text, and Exegesis Around the Commedia’, an interactive digital platform that presents in-depth analysis of the visual traditions surrounding Dante’s Commedia. Her research focuses on the visual, literary, and material culture of the Italian peninsula in the late medieval and early modern periods, including questions of classical reception and the intermedial relations that are formed between these materials.

  • The works of Dante and Boccaccio
  • Representations of love
  • Iconology
  • Text-Image Studies
  • History of the Book


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